Knights of Columbus Sites
Other Sites
- Into The Breach -Who Knights are and what we do.
- Today's Litergy of the Hours - A daily prayer sequence that covers prayers throughout the day, from your morning, even if not "first thing" through just before going to sleep.
Catholics Come Home. This site is not really aimed at our brother knights but many of us have family members or friends who are non-practicing Catholics. It is a place to send them to help them find their way back to the Church.
Find Mass Times Locate Churches and Mass times throughout the United States
Diocese of Palm Beach - the official website of our diocese.
- Archdiocese For The Military Services, USA The ministry of AMS is "serving those who serve." The AMS's very existance is to meet the spiritual needs of Catholics who are serving, or have served, our country. The priests of the AMS provide access to the sacrements, spiritual counseling, evangelization and catechesis, and other forms of pastoral care. They serve Catholics on active duty and in the reserves, in VA Medical Centers, and working civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S. borders, as well as their families. Council 4999 financially supports seminarians who have commited to serve our military through the Archdiocese For The Military Services, USA.
United States Council of Catholic Bishops - A very comprehensive site on Catholic teachings. Check out "Issues and Action", then click on "Religious Liberty" to follow the recent assault on religious freedom in the United States,
- The Catholic Association - A new organization for the education of American Catholics on current events. Currently its focus is on the threats to our rights under the First Amendment; the assault on religious freedom and the attempt to redefine what constitutes that freedom. It appears to be a Catholic PAC.